• Fundamentals

  • 3+ Hours

  • Flexible learning


  • Learn the basics of cryptocurrency and the ways in which blockchain technology empowers cryptocurrencies

  • Identify the value and relevance of cryptocurrency for the conventional financial infrastructures

  • Review the crypto ecosystem and identify the key players, regulatory advancements, privacy implications, and applications

  • Evaluate the risks associated with crypto and the ways to use blockchain analysis for risk management


The most prominent technological advancement in recent times would obviously point towards cryptocurrencies. A recent study has shown that the name of Bitcoin surfaces on social media at a rate of every three seconds. The total number of blockchain wallet users surpassed the 79 million mark in November 2021, thereby indicating the popularity of cryptocurrencies. Apart from Bitcoin, many other cryptocurrencies in the public domain and private blockchain networks have emerged in the last decade. The exclusive functionalities of cryptocurrencies as financial instruments have spurred the demand for learning cryptocurrency fundamentals and their working. Cryptocurrencies are basically digital currencies associated with blockchain networks that provide freedom from concerns of double-spending while allowing complete control to the crypto owners.

Even if cryptocurrencies are quite popular, people struggle a lot to familiarize themselves with cryptocurrency basics and their applications. There is no way anyone would deny that crypto is an important new concept that might be difficult for some people to learn. 101 Blockchains brings you the new cryptocurrency course with a specific focus on the basics of cryptocurrencies. The course is an ideal instrument for those who wish to understand the actual identity of cryptocurrencies, their working, and their larger implications. Any individual seeking in-depth insights on cryptocurrencies should choose the new course on cryptocurrency. 


The new 101 Blockchains course on crypto fundamentals is more than just a guide to learn cryptocurrency foundations. Learners will discover a new type of learning resource to understand the broader implications of cryptocurrencies on the blockchain landscape. The three-hour duration of the course brings learners close to different concepts associated with the working of cryptocurrencies. The course is one-of-its-kind among different cryptocurrency training courses tailored for perfection in learning objectives.

You will get the support of industry experts and their valuable insights in the new cryptocurrency online course on 101 Blockchains. The course not only focuses on popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum but also on other available alternatives. Furthermore, you will also gain knowledge about other components related to the working of cryptocurrencies, such as block explorers and consensus algorithms. In addition, the new cryptocurrency basics course also sheds light on the potential uses of crypto in DeFi and metaverse. At the same time, you can also find reliable information about the different risks associated with crypto. Having said that, it is important to note that the course does not give any sort of advice, recommendations, tips, or best practices for crypto trading. 


What will we cover to help you get expertise in Cryptocurrency?

  • Basic understanding of a cryptocurrency

  • Fundamentals of blockchain

  • Historical background of cryptocurrencies

  • Working of cryptocurrencies

  • Introduction to Bitcoin

  • Different cryptocurrency types such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, Monero, and other cryptocurrencies

  • Definition of Ethereum tokens

  • Differences between a token and a coin

  • Understanding of block explorers

  • Proof of Work consensus

  • Proof of Stake consensus

  • Non-fungible tokens or NFTs

  • Decentralized Finance or DeFi

  • Metaverse

  • Risks associated with crypto

This training course is for you because...

  • You want a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand introduction to cryptocurrency fundamentals.

  • You want to understand the value and relevance of cryptocurrencies when compared to traditional financial systems and tools.

  • You want to learn about blockchain technology that empowers cryptocurrencies. 

  • You want to develop a detailed impression of the working of Bitcoin and the basics of the most popular alternative cryptocurrencies or Altcoins. 

  • You want to dive deeper into the crypto ecosystem with a clear impression of key players, regulatory implications, privacy enhancements, and applications. 

  • You want to understand the significance of blockchain analysis for empowering risk management.


  • Bonus Material

    Exclusive, in-depth interviews with the world's top enterprise blockchain experts

  • Additional Lectures

    Enjoy unlimited access to complimentary lectures and more practical blockchain knowledge

  • Join Online Events

    Get exclusive access to our online events, such as live webinars with top industry influencers


The Cryptocurrency Fundamentals course has been created especially for the ambitious professionals who want to close the skill gap between getting formal education and becoming world-class enterprise experts. This course will not only provide you with mere education but will also clear all the cryptocurrency concepts with practical insights.

Business Model Innovation Course Completion Certification






  • CIOs & IT Managers

  • Senior leaders and decision-making executives

  • Innovation managers and entrepreneurs

  • Industry professionals

  • Product and program managers

  • Advisors, business consultants, and analysts

Cryptocurrency Fundamentals Course FAQs

Course Related Questions and Answers

  • What is included in the cryptocurrency course?

    The new cryptocurrency online course on 101 Blockchains brings you a detailed introduction to the concepts and working of cryptocurrencies. You will learn about the popular options in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as other available options. In addition, you will also explore other aspects involved in the functionalities of cryptocurrencies, such as consensus algorithms and crypto risks.

  • Who should go for the cryptocurrency course?

    The new crypto fundamentals course on 101 Blockchains is suitable for anyone who wants to become cryptocurrency expert with comprehensive training. If you want to dive into the world of cryptocurrencies without any prior knowledge of crypto, then the new cryptocurrency course is a perfect pick for you. However, anyone looking for crypto trading advice would not find any relevant information in the course.

  • Why should I choose the cryptocurrency course?

    The new crypto fundamentals course on 101 Blockchains is one of the most reliable cryptocurrency training courses with comprehensive learning resources. The growing attention regarding crypto applications has been a clear indication for many people to dive into the world of crypto. Since crypto has the potential to transform traditional finance altogether, you may find some promising prospects by learning cryptocurrency basics and their larger implications.

  • Do you offer expert support at 101 Blockchains?

    You can get the assurance of highly responsive expert support for all your questions at 101 Blockchains. You can get fast responses to your doubts from subject matter experts alongside a favorable resolution of any technical issues in accessing the course.

  • What are the prerequisites for the 101 Blockchains cryptocurrency fundamentals course?

    The best thing about the new crypto basics course on 101 Blockchains is that you don’t have to fulfill prerequisites. All you need is the dedication to learn cryptocurrency, its working, and its applications. However, prior knowledge of blockchain basics can be a helpful asset for all learners to familiarize themselves with the course topics.

  • How much time will I get to complete the 101 Blockchains cryptocurrency fundamentals training course?

    The overall duration of the cryptocurrency fundamentals course on 101 Blockchains is three hours. However, there are no specific restrictions of time as the course is a self-paced one, and you can complete it according to your convenience.

  • How can business owners benefit from this course?

    Enterprises are seeking new ways of transforming their operations by incorporating cryptocurrency payment options. The adoption of cryptocurrency as a secure method for financial exchange presents vital prospects for enterprises worldwide. Therefore, the new cryptocurrency online course on 101 Blockchains can help business owners encourage crypto awareness in their workforce. In addition, the course can also help business owners identify the promising long-term implications of cryptocurrency.

  • How can business owners benefit from this course?

    Business owners can have direct and indirect benefits from the new course on the basics of metaverse on 101 Blockchains. The direct benefits would be evident in the development of teams with capabilities to leverage the advantages of the metaverse. The indirect benefits would include the ease of identifying metaverse experts as the course helps an individual become a metaverse expert with the right foundation-level knowledge.

General Questions related to Cryptocurrency

  • What is cryptocurrency?

    Cryptocurrency is a digital currency empowered with the benefits of cryptography to ensure trusted transactions. Cryptocurrencies utilize blockchain technology to maintain a distributed record or ledger of all transactions made in cryptocurrencies.

  • What are the primary traits of cryptocurrency?

    The primary traits of cryptocurrency separate it from conventional currency, such as cash and digital payments. Some of the essential primary traits of cryptocurrency include decentralization, immutability, irreversibility, security, and transparency of transactions.

  • Where can I get cryptocurrencies?

    You can buy cryptocurrencies from centralized or decentralized crypto exchanges of your choice. Just pay the required amount for a particular cryptocurrency, and you get ownership of the cryptocurrencies.

  • How can I access my cryptocurrency?

    You can store, manage and use your cryptocurrency with the help of crypto wallets. The crypto wallets store the private keys of your cryptocurrency that are stored safely on blockchain networks. With the help of the keys, you can access your cryptocurrencies and spend them according to your preferences.