• Fundamentals

  • 3 Hours

  • Flexible learning



  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from the instructor

    • Disclaimer

    • Download Course Presentation

  • 2

    Module 1: Introduction to Solidity | 8 Lessons

    • Module Overview

    • Introduction to Ethereum

    • Smart Contracts

    • Cryptocurrencies

    • Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

    • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

    • Module Summary

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 3

    Module 2: Smart Contract Development Tools | 9 Lessons | 3 Demonstrations

    • Module Overview

    • Prerequisites and tools

    • Demo - Metamask

    • Demo - Remix

    • Solidity

    • Demo - Etherscan

    • Hardhat

    • Module Summary

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 4

    Module 3: Hardhat IDE | 12 Lessons | 4 Demonstrations | Hands-on Exercise

    • Module Overview

    • Hardhat Installation

    • Demo - Hardhat Installation

    • Hardhat Project

    • Demo - Hardhat Configuration

    • Hardhat Tasks

    • Demo - Hardhat Tasks

    • Hardhat Ignition

    • Demo - Hardhat Ignition

    • Module Summary

    • Interactive Exercise

    • Hands-on Exercise: Hardhat IDE

  • 5

    Module 4: Smart Contract Deployment | 11 Lessons | 5 Demonstrations

    • Module Overview

    • Hardhat Network

    • Demo - Hardhat Network

    • Test Network

    • Demo - Sepolia Network

    • Demo - Infura

    • Hardhat Deployment

    • Demo - Hardhat Deployment

    • Demo - Hardhat Forking

    • Module Summary

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 6

    Module 5: Smart Contract Unit Testing | 10 Lessons | 2 Demonstrations

    • Module Overview

    • Web3 Library

    • async/await notation

    • Demo - async/await functions

    • Test in JavaScript

    • Mocha Testing Framework

    • Demo - Hardhat Testing

    • Chai Assertion Library

    • Module Summary

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 7

    Module 6: Project: ERC20 Token | 13 Lessons | 3 Demonstrations | Hands-on Exercise

    • Module Overview

    • OpenZeppelin Libraries

    • ERC20 Token Standard

    • Access Control library

    • Demo - ERC20 Standard

    • Token minting

    • Testing

    • Demo - Testing

    • Deployment

    • Demo - Contract Verification

    • Module Summary

    • Interactive Exercise

    • Hands-on Exercise: ERC20 Token Project

  • 8

    Module 7: Summary and Final Exam

    • Course Summary

    • Exam Details

    • Final Exam