• Fundamentals

  • 3 Hours

  • Flexible learning



  • 1

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  • 2

    Module-1: Introduction to Solidity | 10 Lessons | Demonstration | Hands-on Exercise

    • Module Overview

    • Ethereum and Smart Contracts

    • Gas

    • Remix IDE 

    • Structure of a Smart Contract

    • Solidity compilers

    • Demonstration - Remix

    • Module Summary

    • Hands-on Exercise: Introduction to Solidity

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 3

    Module-2: Data Types and control flow in Solidity | 12 Lessons | 3 Demonstrations | Hands-on Exercise

    • Module Overview

    • Variables and Types

    • Global variables

    • Demonstration - Data Types

    • Demonstration - Global Variables

    • Operators

    • Conditionals: if..else

    • Loops: Do..while, while and for.

    • Demonstration - Control Flow

    • Module Summary

    • Hands-on Exercise: Data Types and Control Flow

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 4

    Module-3: Solidity Functions and Modifiers | 13 Lessons | 3 Demonstrations | Hands-on Exercise

    • Module Overview

    • Scope and visibility

    • View and Pure keywords

    • Function return

    • Demonstration - Functions

    • require Keyword

    • Modifiers

    • Demonstration - Modifiers

    • Events and logs

    • Demonstration - Events

    • Module Summary

    • Hands-on Exercise: Functions

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 5

    Module-4: Data Structures | 11 Lessons | 3 Demonstrations | Hands-on Exercise

    • Module Overview

    • Arrays

    • Demonstration - Arrays

    • Structs

    • Demonstration - Structs

    • Enums

    • Mappings

    • Demonstration - Mappings

    • Module Summary

    • Hands-on Exercise: Data Structures

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 6

    Module-5: Transferring Ether funds | 10 Lessons | 2 Demonstrations | Hands-on Exercise

    • Module Overview

    • payable Keyword

    • Send, transfer and call

    • Demonstration - Transfer funds

    • Accounts balance

    • Fallback and receive

    • Demonstration - Fallback

    • Module Summary

    • Hands-on Exercise: Transfer Ether

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 7

    Module-6: OpenZeppelin Libraries and Interfaces | 11 Lessons | 3 Demonstrations | Hands-on Exercise

    • Module Overview

    • Inheritance

    • Demonstration - Inheritance

    • Libraries

    • OpenZeppelin

    • Demonstration - Libraries

    • Interfaces

    • Demonstration - Interfaces

    • Module Summary

    • Hands-on Exercise: Libraries and Interfaces

    • Interactive Exercise

  • 8

    Additional Resources and Final Exam

    • Closeout and more resources

    • Exam Details

    • Final Exam