Blockchain is shaping the financial supply chain in unprecedented ways, and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) represents the tangible evidence. Yet, you must be wondering why you should care about something that appears still rather “esoteric”. The simple answer: feel free to be left behind.
DeFi enables parties to trade in a peer-to-peer (i.e., decentralized) fashion the traditional elements of the financial supply chain (e.g., deposits, loans, financial assets) by replacing traditional currency (e.g., dollars, euros) with stable-coins (i.e., cryptocurrency tokens pegged to that currency) and replacing the intermediary (i.e., the financial institution) with blockchain-based smart contracts that run autonomously on a permissionless blockchain protocol (Ethereum for the most part).
This course is ideal for blockchain enthusiasts who understand the immense potential of the blockchain-based financial supply chain but want to avoid the inherent threat presented by the high volatility and speculative nature of the cryptocurrencies traded on current exchange platforms. The DeFi construct is being developed to exactly remove this concern.
In this course, 101 Blockchains Research experts will share their latest findings on the DeFi foundational elements and display the current DeFi taxonomy that will help you identify the technical building blocks and stay ahead of the curve as a trusted enterprise blockchain professional. You will be able to develop solutions and applications after learning from the course the current DeFi use cases.
Course instructors will introduce you to DeFi tools and processes, explaining the main features and their disruptive innovative impact in the financial supply chain. The purpose of the course is not to turn you into skilled traders. Rather, the objective of 101 Blockchains is to provide you with all the most updated and structured information to improve your skills in helping an enterprise client understand the potential benefits- and current limits and caveats- of DeFi, in order to prepare for the future and start applying now the tools and products already tested and available. Failing to do so poses the serious threat of being an eternal follower in a highly rapid evolving market.